The following is a list of computer codes that have been distributed in recent years or will be released in the near future. We will continuously improve these codes, and incorporate users’ suggestions in the improved versions.
File Name | Release Date (Approximate) | Description |
DynInva | Q1 2004 |
Simulation of the time-varying invasion profiles in a permeable bed. |
TLLA | Q4 2003 |
Time lapse logging analysis code with graphical interface: integrates hydraulic process and electrical process in a borehole environment. This code specifically simulates dual induction and dual laterologs with a varying invasion profile with time. |
EMTRC | Q4 2003 |
Calculates the telemetry range of EMT-MWD tool under various circumstances. The EM telemetry range in four different cases is calculated. There is a separate code specifically written for each case. The cases are ideal, partly eccentric drill pipe, partially short-circuited drill pipe, and range affected by drill pipe joints. |
Wellog Simulator Version 3.0b | Q2 2003 |
Forward modeling of induction, MWD, and electrode-type tools in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D formations with graphical user interface. Visual Basic interface is used. Testing version. |
GEN_LAT2 | Q1 2003 |
Forwarding modeling of general electrode-type resistivity tool. The number of electrodes and focusing conditions are flexible and can be specified by the user. It is useful to simulate existing tools or to evaluate new tools. |
Wellog Simulator Version 4.0 | Q1 2003 |
Forward modeling of induction, MWD, and electrode-type tools in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D formations with graphical user interface. Numerous improvements on display, input/output formats, and printing have been added. |
Wellog Simulator Version 2.5 | Q1 2003 |
Forward modeling of induction, MWD, and electrode-type tools in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D formations with graphical user interface. Visual C++ interface is used. The tri-axial induction tool is added to the tool selection menu. |
IND_3X3 | Q1 2003 |
Forward modeling of induction tools with tri-axial transmitting and receiving coils in 1-D dipping beds. |
IND_DVW | Q4 2001 |
Simulates induction sonde in a deviated well drilled through an one-dimensional layered formation. Compared to the previous version DIP94, the new version significantly improves the computation speed. It can also be applied to cases where deviated angle can vary with respect to logging depth. IND_DVW deals with one-dimensional problems in which effects of borehole are neglected and no invasion is assumed. Each of the horizontally layered beds may have different conductivity, dielectric constant, and magnetic permeability. |
MWD_DVW | Q4 2001 |
Simulates MWD tools in a deviated well drilled through an one-dimensional layered formation. It is essentially the same as the IND_DVW code except that the MWD_DVW is for MWD tools and IND_DVW is for induction tools. Both codes can be applied to cases where deviated angle can vary with respect to logging depth. MWD_DVW deals with one-dimensional problems in which effects of borehole are neglected and no invasion is assumed. Each of the horizontally layered beds may have different conductivity, dielectric constant, and magnetic permeability. |
Dracula | Q4 2001 |
Finite element codes used to simulate induction resistivity sensors in 3-D environments. |
IND2D99 | Q2 1999 |
Computes the responses of the induction tool in multi-layered formations with each layer containing multiple invasion zones. The geometry and property of the formation are assumed to have azimuthal symmetry with respect to the tool and the borehole axis. This code is based on the numerical mode-matching method that is also known as the hybrid method. The two-dimensional solution is obtained in two directions: the solution of radial direction is found numerically and the vertical solution analytically. The present code runs much faster than the previous version (IND_2D) and yet the same accuracy is achieved. |
3DFDM (v.2.0) | Q2 1999 |
Finite difference codes used to simulate induction or MWD resistivity sensors in 3-D environments, including borehole and multiple dipping invaded beds. In version 1.0, all beds have isotropic conductivity distributions. In this new version, each bed may be anisotropic with arbitrary dip and strike angles. |
MWD2D99 | Q2 1999 |
The MWD2D99 code is developed to compute the responses of the coil-type MWD resistivity tool in multi-layered formations with each layer containing multiple invasion zones. The geometry and property of the formation are assumed to have azimuthal symmetry with respect to the tool and the borehole axis. This code is based on the numerical mode-matching method that is also known as the hybrid method. The two-dimensional solution is obtained in two directions: the solution of radial direction is found numerically and the vertical solution analytically. The present code runs much faster than the previous version (MWD_2D) and yet the same accuracy is achieved. |
3DFDM (v.2.2) | Q2 1999 |
Similar to version 2.0, except that version 2.2 of this code is specifically designed to model multiple frequency induction tools with arbitrary coil orientations. This code is suitable for new tool design. |