“A 3-D Fast Integral Equation Method for Simulation of Induction Logging Response in Formations with Large Conductivity Contrasts,” 2008 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, June 2008.
A three-dimensional (3-D) fast integral equation method is presented for the simulation of induction logging problems in formations with large conductivity contrasts, where most existing numerical techniques fail to obtain accurate results. The volume integral equation (VIE) is used to formulate the problem and the precorrected FFT accelerated method of moments (pFFT-MoM) is used to solve the integral equation. To overcome the difficulty of high singularity and slow convergence due to large conductivity contrasts, the incomplete LU (ILU) pre-conditioner is used to significantly speed up the convergence of the matrix equation. The resultant method is efficient and flexible for 3-D simulation of induction logging, especially for problems with large conductivity contrasts.