Two new FORTRAN codes will be added to the Wellog Inversion Interface, TRIBIA09 code and TRITI09 code, both of which are for simulation of tri-axial induction tools in anisotropic formation. TRIBIA09 can calculate the responses of tri-axial tools in homogeneous biaxial anisotropic media. TRITI09 can simulate the responses of tri-axial tools in 1D multi-layered transverse isotropic (TI) formation. To successfully configure the input data for biaxial anisotropic media, a new dialog for formation creation will be adopted in the interface. In this dialog, users can enable or disable functions to input resistivity and permittivity of all the x, y and z directions. Also, the interface will fix bugs for some modeling, such as changing the variable step value in the 1D inversion code. The web-based inversion interface will allow any consortium members to use the code online without installation of the code in the local computer providing convenience and centralized software support and upgrade.